Community Pharmacy

La farmacia comunitaria como espacio de atención en salud. Una mirada desde el pluralismo asistencial.

Pharmacy / Medical Anthropology / Medication Adherence / Pharmacy Practice / Pharmaceutical Care / Medical Anthropology/ antropología médica / Community Pharmacy / Medication Management / Clinical Pharmacy / Medical Anthropology, Social Anthropology applied to health and sickness / Role of Pharmacist in Public Health / Pharmacist / Applied medical anthropology / Clinical Pharmacy Practice / .Medical Anthropology / Medication Errors - Medication Safety / Quimico Farmaceutico / Pharmacists Intervention / The Role of Community Pharmacist in the Management of Chronic Diseases / Community Pharmacy Practice / Management of Chronic Disease by Pharmacists / Medical Anthropology/ antropología médica / Community Pharmacy / Medication Management / Clinical Pharmacy / Medical Anthropology, Social Anthropology applied to health and sickness / Role of Pharmacist in Public Health / Pharmacist / Applied medical anthropology / Clinical Pharmacy Practice / .Medical Anthropology / Medication Errors - Medication Safety / Quimico Farmaceutico / Pharmacists Intervention / The Role of Community Pharmacist in the Management of Chronic Diseases / Community Pharmacy Practice / Management of Chronic Disease by Pharmacists

Gestión integral de la farmacoterapia en la atención del paciente oncológico

Oncology / Pharmacy / Medical Anthropology / Pharmaceutical Care / Community Pharmacy / Hospital Pharmacy / Clinical Pharmacy / Role of Pharmacist in Public Health / Pharmacist / Clinical Pharmacy Practice / Pharmacists Intervention / The Role of Community Pharmacist in the Management of Chronic Diseases / Community Pharmacy Practice / Hospital Pharmacy / Clinical Pharmacy / Role of Pharmacist in Public Health / Pharmacist / Clinical Pharmacy Practice / Pharmacists Intervention / The Role of Community Pharmacist in the Management of Chronic Diseases / Community Pharmacy Practice

DaderWeb, la Atención Farmacéutica y las Nuevas Tecnologías.

Pharmacy / Open Source Software / Health Services Research / Pharmaceutical Care / Community Pharmacy / The Internet / Pharmacist / The Internet / Pharmacist

DaderWeb: una nueva herramienta del Programa Dader para efectuar un seguimiento farmacoterapeutico

Pharmacy / Open Source Software / Health Services Research / Pharmaceutical Care / Community Pharmacy / The Internet / Pharmacist / The Internet / Pharmacist
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